This is an oil feeder which was product between 1907 to 1917, and it is referred to as a Railroad oil feeder. The area in which it was found had a lot of silver mines in the late 19th century to early 20th century. I think at one time a miner may have modified the spoon to fit his needs or the short spout may have been made by the manufacture. Could not find any oil feeders with a short spout however that is not saying that there was never that type of oil feeder made. It does not have the top handle on it like most of the other oil feeders of that period. It never had the over top wire handle that you see on most of the oil feeders of the time. It is in its original condition other than the small miner dents and the base is banged up a little, which is understandable after a 100 years.
Dimensions: 11.75”x 6”x 5.75”Weight: 3.8lbs.